CIGRE TAG meetings in Bordeaux
A prelude to CIGRE Paris Session in Epsilon’s backyard

The week before CIGRE Paris Session, members of CIGRE workgroups attended 3 days of technical advisory groups held in the city of Bordeaux, which happens to be right next to Epsilon Cable’s facilities.
On this occasion, our CIGRE delegates Baptiste GARY & Léo RICHARD were happy to act as local guide and welcome other delegates into Epsilon’s nearby pultrusion factory.
Many representatives from grid operators, EPCs and engineering firms took this opportunity to deepen their understanding of composite core conductors, and see first-hand the manufacturing of carbon fiber cores in the very factory which pioneered the use of carbon fibers in industrial, aerospace and energy sectors since 1987.
While visiting the workshop which is fully dedicated to manufacturing composite cores for overhead lines, visitors could discuss the specifics of Epsilon’s manufacturing process and its stringent monitoring of key process parameters to ensure the consistent quality of its products.
Epsilon’s testing lab is also a key point of the visit to witness how our raw materials and products are tested to the most demanding standards, understand our test plan and ISO 9001 quality system.
Finally, visitors could discuss with our engineering team about composite materials, conductor design and performance, choice of accessories and many other related topics.