CIGRE 2022 – Next Generation Network award

What is the Next Generation Network award ?
During the 2022 CIGRE Paris Session 26 Next Generation Network (NGN) members from around the world participated in the NGN Showcase. The NGN Showcase is an opportunity for NGN members to present their work in various venues throughout the week. The selection process is very competitive as each National Committee can only nominate up to four candidates. The final selections are then made by the Study Committee Chairs.
In 2022, the NGN hosted the first NGN Showcase Presentation Competition. Each presenter gave a 10 minute presentation about their work followed by a Q&A session with the judges. The judging panel was comprised of three members from the CIGRE Steering Committee and Technical Council along with a couple NGN representatives.
Congratulations to the Epsilon Cable team
Congratulations to Baptiste Gary and the Epsilon Cable Research & Development team, who won the Next Generation Network award at the CIGRE Paris Session. The topic was : predictive model for composite core ageing in HTLS conductors. Congratulations to the winners of the first NGN Showcase Presentation Competition!